Appointments: (727) 787-6744

Palm Harbor's trusted allergy specialists
Appointments: (727) 787-6744
Palm Harbor's trusted allergy specialists
Sunshine Allergy, located conveniently in Palm Harbor, Florida, provides asthma and allergy patients with the highest level of medical care available.
Our mission is to provide you with personalized, high-quality care. We are dedicated to improving and maintaining your health through preventative care and treating chronic diseases.
Our goal is to improve and maintain your overall health and to empower you with an understanding of your condition and wellness plan.
Sunshine Allergy is dedicated to providing individualized and compassionate allergy, asthma and immunological care for both children and adults. Finding the right solution for each patient’s unique allergy and asthma symptoms begins with an evaluation of their medical history and lifestyle. Once an initial diagnosis has been performed and the cause of the allergic or asthma symptoms has been identified - whether it be a food allergy, a pet allergy, or a pollen allergy.
Sunshine Allergy is equipped to treat adults who are experiencing allergenic and asthmatic health issues. People who exhibit allergic and asthma related symptoms have reactions to various allergenic stimulants such as mold, pollen, food, insects, and many other substances.
Allergy and asthma related illnesses affect pediatric patient just as badly, or in some cases even worse than they do in adults. These reactions can come on without warning and can have potentially dangerous medical implications.
Copyright © 2018 Sunshine Allergy - All Rights Reserved.
Phone: (727) 787-6744 --- Fax: (727) 786-3561