Bishop Larkin Catholic School dedicates itself to the mission of educating student within a Christian framework following the guidelines of the Diocese of Saint Petersburg. These guidelines founded on the love of Jesus Christ, are infused into all areas of the curriculum. Bishop Larkin is committed to spiritual growth, academic excellence, and personal development. The school has 18 classrooms, a computer lab where students can work independently, a science lab, an art room, a music suite, and a large media center. Classrooms are equipped with interactive learning tools called SMART Boards. Our students are challenged and encouraged to become lifelong learners. Through the acquisition and use of technology, the faculty of Bishop Larkin Catholic School strives to bring our students into the twenty-first century.
The faculty and administration are aware that all children are unique. Accordingly, our curriculum and our lesson plans reflect the teaching strategies of both inductive and deductive reasoning and their associated learning skills. Interactions among teachers, parents, and students are demonstrated in creative approaches to religion, social studies, language arts, mathematics, science and science projects, the fine arts, music, and physical education, as well as extra- curricular activities.
Bishop Larkin Catholic School seeks to provide an environment that embodies the four hallmarks of Catholic education: message, community, service, and prayer. Daily prayer and weekly Mass provide nourishment and outward expression for the spiritual growth and development of the school community. Spiritual and intellectual growth and development are implemented in all class settings. We strive to provide our students with a deep sense of faith, responsibility, and commitment of service to both our local and global communities.