The primary learning for students at any Sudbury school is to discover what they are passionate about. This is an intense learning process. Any adult understands how few of us discover who we truly are, what we really want, and how to fully follow our heart until late in life, if ever. Children and teens who are allowed to pursue this process at a young age remain eager to learn and succeed, cultivate their guts and grit, and understand that it is up to them to get to where they want to go in life.
Instead of tests, grades and homework, Spring Valley School offers students ages 4 through 19 the opportunity to be self directed in their learning in a supportive community environment.
Students of all ages experience:
*Being responsible, independent and resourceful
*Being self-directed, motivated and enthusiastic life-long learners
*Being creative and self-confident
*Being community minded
*Being highly adept at communication
If this is what you and your child are looking for, we invite you to learn more about Spring Valley School and the Sudbury model, which has been on the cutting edge of education for over 50 years.